Monday, March 19, 2007

Back to Blogger

I swore I'd never...ever...ever come back to blogger, but you know, we humans are funny that way saying, "always" and "never" and then eating our words. I'm words.

Since we're moving to the country and downsizing, it's a great time to see how much "clutter" we have in our lives and there is much impetus to simplify some. I'm paring down. Whittling away. One of the lil' tiny differences I can make is in my online subscriptions, so no more site meter (I'll never know anymore that the person 12 miles away is lurking...and never leaving a comment), no more typepad (as kind as it was to me, the biggest difference was that there wasn't downtime and frustration in that regard...but not much else was that much better, in retrospect), no more earthlink, no more multiple web hosts, magazines online, etc. It all adds up! A chaotic, disorganized, flying by the seat of your pants lifestyle leaves for a lot of holes in the boat for water to come in and sink you. I'm amazed, when I really examine all of it on paper.

So, I'm on my quest, sword in hand! Watch out world! I'm on my way to becoming slightly more organized, less in debt, possibly even efficient at times.

Sorry for my mixed metaphors and random analogies...I'm ADD-ish you know...and trying to give you the full image of my scattered brain right now! (SCARY)

Hope this finds you well, and thanks for coming by.



The Grunt said...

I am the first to comment on your new blog!

The Grunt said...

You might as well trust the new blogger--at least it is free.

armalicious said...

Hey there! Yes, we do seem to eat our words at times. Let's see, how many times did I say "you'll never see me...." and then I end up doing what I said someone would never see me do.

New blogger isn't too bad. Good luck on the downsizing.

lime said...

just glad i know where to find you. welcome back to the trenches with the rest of us cheapskates. (howzat fer a mixed metaphor?)

James Cooper said...

Eep, back to blogger... I also swore I would not return to that service and have thus far stayed true to my word, but I've always feared that someday I may find myself back.

But then folks still on blogger are saying that its gotten better in its post-beta days. Perhaps this won't be so bad, after all.

egan said...

Welcome back.

Kelly said...

I am also in the mood to simplify. I am going to gather up all that junk in my house that is just collecting dust and sell or give it away

Chikken said...

Grunty-DO DO DOOOOOOOOOO! You are number one today! Welcome to my humble (and free!) blogger abode.

Yes, Amanda, does keep us, that is!

Lime-loved it! We could carry on some pretty ethereal down to earth conversations, you and me. (how did i do?)

Egan-thanks Monkey boy.

Myutopia-it is cathartic! Here's to you!

Anonymous said...

Me, too, sweetie. I'm going to post a 'good-bye' today (we'll be leaving here Wednesday morning) on typepad - and will be returning to my 'garden' on blogspot when I have time to post again ! Love you.
See you soon.

Anonymous said...

But sis, why didn't you check out wordpress with Aunt Quilly and I? It's free...

Nessa said...

It's not really that bad, but as long as you don't go away. Cleaning out is good. We all have way too much stuff anyway.

Anonymous said...

Cindra and Jackie -- Wordpress is AWESOME and absolutely free -- not to mention that you can transfer all your blog history over with just the flip of a virtual switch. give it a try!

Trundling Grunt said...

Doesn't matter what vehicle you use - it's the quality of the material that matters. And yours is damn good. Now how do I update my links....

Becky said...

chikken, huh? like that. glad I know where to find ya, lovey. it truly is amazing when we see where all out pennies are going.

Gye Greene said...

Yeah, my best friend from college did the Typepad thing for a fair while, and downsized (somewhat for $$$/streamlining reasons, like yourself).

I've just done the blogspot thing, and, hey -- cheap [free!] 'n' simple. ;)

Plus: now that you're not paying for it, you have the freedom to blog as much -- or a little as you're inspired to. No obligation, needing to ''get your money's worth''. ;)


egan said...

Chikken ... monkey
monkey .... chikken?

Hmmm... I like the new digs. You're welcome and good luck with your physical move.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back...It takes them a month to take the Word verification of the blog. I cant complain Free is free ..I had to downsize. I was spending so much between XM Sirius etc etc. I did the same ..Have a great week and good luck on the slightly organized.. I gave up.. ha

Bazza said...

Just nice to know you're still out there.

Katie McKenna said...

You make a beautiful rooster.

Love and hugs! Katie